Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ascribe to the Lord the Glory Due His Name

God desires for us to praise Him and to give Him glory. Has God ever set the stage so that He could overcome a great obstacle before your very eyes? Wait. You didn’t think that God would set obstacles before you? God deserves all of our worship. He deserves to receive praise. He deserves to be ascribed glory and strength (Ps. 96:7). But, we so quickly forget about His greatness…and the worship ceases.

Look at Exodus. I would like you to walk through Exodus chapter 14. God decides to put Israel in a bind…by His own doing. He set the stage for there to be a check mate for the Egyptian army. He made the Israelites take a u-turn and head straight back the way they came and then He had them camp next to the Red Sea. He did this so that Israel would look confused and would seem like sitting ducks before the Egyptians. He then proceeds to harden Pharaoh’s heart and allows Pharaoh to gather up his entire army. Pharaoh takes off like a jack rabbit towards the Israelites. We are talking about all the chariots in Egypt, horses and troops.

The stage is set. Talk about having to face all odds. This is better than any movie. This was a David and Goliath. God set this whole thing up. God placed the Israelites in a location where they would be boxed in. God caused Pharaoh and his troops to give chase. God set-up this entire showdown! You see, God was sick of hearing Israel’s whining and seeing their lack of faith. God was disgusted at the great and mighty Egyptians exalting themselves and feeling self-sufficient. Why does God do all of this? In order to receive the glory due His name! Don’t believe me? Read for yourself. Exodus 14:4, 17.

You should know the rest of the story. The angel of the God and the pillar of cloud came between the Egyptians and the Israelites and they did not allow any approach during the night. Then God decided to split the Red Sea. Why not? He is God. The Israelites, one million strong, walk to the other side. The Egyptian army then decides to give chase but God throws them in to confusion in the middle of the Red Sea. They finally realize that God is battling for the Israelites (duh!) and begin to flee. Too late! God’s magnificent display is not over yet. God allows the Red Sea to close in and crush the Egyptian army before the eyes of Israel! Wow! Amazing! Doesn’t this story send chills down your spine? What a display of power! If there was any doubt about the power and strength of the great I AM, it was dwarfed by holy fear and the Israelites placed their trust in God.

Where are you placing your trust right now? Are you in a pickle? Do the odds seem to be stacked against you? Do not be stubborn like the Israelites. They needed this great display of glory in order to ascribe praise to God. We have God’s written Word displaying His glory. “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name.” (Ps. 96:8a) “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.” (Ps. 100:4a) Take a few minutes and worship the Lord right now. Read Psalm 96 to the Lord. Allow this Psalm to resound in your heart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I really enjoyed reading your entries. I love seeing and feeling God through nature as we see His great glory in all He has made.
Love you