The other night Amanda had enough. She was not able to sooth Autumn and the screaming was driving her bonkers. The worst part was thinking that we were waking everybody in the house up. It was my turn. I patted Autumn's back. I scratched her back. I said nice calm words to her. I stuck the pacifier in her mouth. I laid her head down. Nothing worked. The screaming intensified. My eardrums were buzzing because it was so loud. I could feel my blood boiling inside. A screaming child can cause the worse to come out of you. It can reach in to the depths of your heart and pull out all the evil it can find. This particular day in my sabbatical was a time of worship and thanksgiving...what a way to end it.
I redirected my focus to the Lord and rebuked Satan. Through the blood curling screaming, I began singing worship songs. I started thanking the Lord for all the beautiful things I see and love in Autumn. (Her huge eyes. Her loving smile. The way she bounces her arms when she is happy. How she has warmed up to me. The great day I had with her this week bouncing her in my arms.) The screaming stopped...not. It was louder and even more piercing. Amanda was laying on the bed with a pillow over her ears. But, there was peace in my heart and a smile on my face. Eventually Autumn ended up on my chest in bed and she fell asleep. It was a beautiful moment for me. She was sleeping and I was still praising the Lord...at 4 a.m. Maybe God wanted me to continue in worship. Maybe He wanted me to learn patience. Whatever it was...God gave me what I needed and it was a wonderful moment with Creator, Father and child.
"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry....He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God."
Isn't it encouraging that he fulfills his promises. Prayers that he's fulfilling those promises with restful nights as the time progresses...
"I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me the the night seasons....In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore"
May He alone be the provider of all your needs...Praying for you and all your family to Know and experience His Presence these precious days.
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